Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pretty Awkward, Pt. 2

We were at Target, blowing time while Nick donated blood elsewhere. We walked past the lingerie department.

Kate: [pointing to bras] BOOBIES! BOOBIES!

Me: Um, yep.


Close Call

We had the kids' pictures taken yesterday. They had all kinds of props to get the kids to smile- a stuffed cat, a stuffed frog, a football, etc.

We were in the car afterward, discussing the pictures.

Me: Did you like getting your pictures taken, Kate?

Kate: Fun!

Me: That's right it was fun, wasn't it?

Kate: Fuck.

At this point, Nick and I look at each other like, "Did you hear what I heard?"

Me: What was that?

Kate: FUCK., FROG? Did you play with a frog?

Kate: Mmhmm. Tickle!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blame it on the baby brother

Me: Kate, did you poop?

Kate: No! Elmo.

Me: Elmo? Elmo pooped?

Kate: Yeah!

Me: Somehow I doubt that.

Kate: Um...Sam! Sam poop.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Compound Words

Yes, we're still here. The arrival of baby brother has kind of put blogging on hold for awhile!

Her newest thing is putting two words together and acting like they're one word. I am referred to as MommySam 90% of the time. If Nick has Sam (rare!) he becomes DaddySam.

Then there's fallbooboo. She says it when she's doing something "dangerous" and I guess we've told her not to fall and get a booboo one too many times, because now she just cuts to the chase and says fallbooboo.

I'm not really sure how to get her to stop it, so I just try to say "Yep, you don't want to fall and get a booboo!" Or "That's right, it's Mommy and Sam!"...maybe "and" should be her next word.