Friday, August 7, 2009


I'll make this one big long post since it's the first.

Beth: Kate, it's the Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! Can you say that?

Kate: That.


Beth: Kate, how old are you?

Kate, holding up one finger: One!

Beth: That's right, one! One!

Kate: ....two....

(Okay, doesn't sound that exciting. But we haven't really worked on counting with her so we were shocked that at 18 months our child can count to two!)


Last weekend we went swimming at Nick's mom's downtown Chicago condo with my sister and her husband and their 5 month old Jackson. Kate loves the pool and asks to go at least once a day. Unfortunately we don't have time during the week/it's not warm enough anyway. But, it's going to be 90 something this weekend so we're going to try.

Beth: And then we'll go swimming this weekend! That'll be fun!

Kate: Pool?

Beth: Yep, the pool.

Kate: Baby! Baby Jaaack. Pool. Baby

Everytime she mentions the pool now, she follows it up with baby. I don't have the heart to tell her that baby Jack doesn't live at the pool.


Nick has a......liberal view on farts. After a particularly disgusting one, I was going "EW!" and covered my nose with my shirt. Kate said "eww" and...proceeded to cover her nose with her shirt. Then she got up and insisted that Nick cover his own nose, too. Now whenever she farts, she covers her nose. Well, at least she gives us warning.


She's big on animal sounds. Nick used that to teach her that the sound grandma makes is a big "Pfffffffft" raspberry thing. AKA a fart noise, really. So I was trying to get her to eat something while Nick's mom was in the other room saying something to Nick. Kate looked at me very seriously, pointed towards her grandma, and said "PFFFFFFFFFFT."


She loves for me to sing the ABCs...before I'm even done she's going "MOOOOORE." So I asked her to sing the ABCs and got "B I P I T C" in a sing songy voice. So proud. Not bad for 18 months, I'd say.


We were reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar. At the end, he gets into his cocoon.

Kate: Bug! [pointing to cocoon] Chocolate! Mmmmm.


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